By Chip Witt, PCA Sim Racing Zone Group Manager, Redwood Region PCA


The 2022 PCA Sim Racing Zone Group Championship is the second of its kind… with some minor changes year-over-year.

Unlike the 2021 Championship, instead of drivers qualifying to represent their specific PCA Zone, this year up to eight top drivers in each of the four PCA Driver Classes qualified to represent their Zone Group (in most cases, consolidation of multiple PCA Zones) through their respective Zone Group managed feeder series.

This change was made in direct response to 2021 participant feedback to continue to ensure fairness in representation without compromising the integrity of the competition.

The primary focus of the Zone Group Championship is on aggregated Zone Group performance, not just the performance of the individual drivers.

To that end, all participants’ contributions will be accounted for in each race making it advantageous for Zone Groups to prepare together, collaborating to get faster as a whole group, to improve the overall Zone Group finishes in each class; in helping others you help yourself.

Sportsmanship (both intra-Zone Group and cross-Zone Groups), camaraderie… and, of course, good-natured, positive team spirit are the rule of the day.

The results of the 2022 PCA Sim Racing Zone Group Championship are here.