By David K. Palmer, Allegheny Region PCA


Those of you who have been participating with us for some time know that the Steering Committee has published surveys on a regular basis. We use them as a tool to refine the product that we are producing for you. While, of course, this method is imperfect, it does provide us valuable feedback, which, I can assure you, is taken into account by those of us who are tasked with creating and administering the PCA Sim Racing schedule and events that you are driving with us.

The timing of this survey comes at an interesting time for PCA Sim Racing, as we are about to begin the Zone Groups Challenge Championship and National Series 6:  we are closing in on 600 members in the League. Our growth has been significant recently, validating the concept of creating the Zone Group model of eDE instruction and racing events at this level to complement the National Series. At the same time, however, it isn’t possible to “keep everyone happy” with a group of this size. Please know that we are constantly looking to achieve the best possible result for the largest number of participants.

Thanks again to those that took a few minutes to complete the survey; there were 203 of you that did so out of 580 members.


Q1. What one night of the week do you prefer to run PCA Sim Racing national events?

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were preferred by respondents – far outpacing the other nights. Friday was most selected, followed by Thursday and Wednesday.

Q2. I have had to miss a PCA Sim Racing national event because it started too early (before 5 PM Pacific)

74% responded, “No”. While this is a significant majority, the Committee fully understands that 26% is a large number which we aren’t pleased with. We are working on ideas to mitigate this.

Q3. I have had to miss a PCA Sim Racing national event because it started too late (after 11 PM Eastern)

80% responded, “No”. While this is a significant majority, the Committee fully understands that 20% is a large number which we aren’t pleased with. We are working on ideas to mitigate this.

Q4. Should PCA Sim Racing split its 4-races a night format to 2 nights?

55% responded, “Yes”. One concept being considered is to have two classes race on one evening, and the other two on the second.

Q5. There are: (number of National events)

64% responded, “there are the right number”.

Q6. Do you read the national Series Rules & Guidelines webpage?

84% responded they do “All the time” or “Most of the time”.

Q7. Are the PCA Sim Racing rules:

84% responded, “Just right”.

Q8. How important is racing in a live broadcast to you?

72 % responded, “Very important” or “Somewhat important”.

Q9. Have you purchased PCA Sim Racing merchandise?

85% responded, “No”.

Q10. If you haven’t purchased PCA Sim Racing merchandise, the main reason is

68% responded, “Just not got to it yet”.