Setting up Heat Racing in iRacing

By Jeff Williams, Rocky Mountain Region PCA
PCA Sim Racing Entry Class Manager

In STARTER Edition 19, we covered how to set up a hosted practice session in iRacing.

One of the sub-topics of that discussion is how to Enable Heat Racing on the Time Limits page and set up a custom heat race format. Now it’s going to take longer to read this than actually do it once you have the hang of it.

Pitfalls to be aware of are marked “IMPORTANT”.

To enable heat racing and create a custom heat race format from “Create A Race”

1. Click on the “Time Limit” icon

March 13th, 2022|Categories: reference|

Setting up a Hosted Race / Practice Session

By Jeff Williams, Rocky Mountain Region PCA
PCA Sim Racing Entry Class Manager

Don’t want to practice by yourself or do you want to practice with others at a time better suited to your time zone? Set up a “Hosted Race” for you and anyone you want to give permission to join. The Create A Race interface is pretty intuitive but there are some things to know and avoid.

1. Before you start

  • Make sure you have some funds loaded into your iRacing account to pay for the session. Otherwise, the system takes you for a little detour at the end of creating
March 5th, 2022|Categories: reference|

Let’s Do Some Math

By Anker Berg-Sonne, Northeast Region PCA

As a beginner iRacer, one of the more depressing experiences is to have the leaders of the race lap you once, twice, or maybe more times. This may tempt you to try to drive faster and take more risks, but I think you will change your mind after this small math exercise!

The average lap time for the courses we normally drive in the PCA Sim Racing League is one to two minutes, and we typically run right around 40 minutes or 20 to 40 laps. So how much slower than the leaders can you drive

November 30th, 2020|Categories: reference|

Partnering with VRS

When you partner with some person or some company, it’s in hopes that a shared goal, like a great simulator racing experience, for instance, can be reached by working together.

Virtual Racing School (VRS) has a reputation for presenting not only fine setups, but helping drivers reach their potential with datapacks, analysis, and training. PCA Sim Racing has developed a reputation for some of the best, most respectful, and most competitive racing in all of the iRacing world.

It was a “natural” for PCA Sim Racing to reach out to VRS, and suggest a partnership with our League


Just as in real racing, sim racing requires preparation, training, and orientation to enjoy the hobby. Our Racecraft page will get you started with racing equipment, training, and orientation. As you might have guessed, it is possible to spend a nominal amount of money getting going, or also as you may have guessed, a significant amount of money. But as is always the case, proficiency comes with practice.

Join PCA Sim Racing!

You can register with the League on this webpage. You’ll need your PCA Member Number, your active Member Number, and an email you can be

December 30th, 2019|Categories: reference|
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