Our Discord Server
By Liam Rudzitis, Upper Canada Region, PCA
How Does PCA Sim Racing Use Discord?
The PCA Sim Racing Discord server is for PCA-subscribed participants of our racing league. All PCA Sim Racing participants need to use our Discord server to communicate with others in the league. It is what we use to communicate much of the daily business activity such as event discussions, setups, car configurations, and training sessions (such as track walks). We still use iRacing’s in-game chat function, but Discord is used before the green flag drops and after the checkered flag flies.
What is Discord?
Discord is a game communications program where you can post/receive messages and pictures. Discord also has a voice chat function, a video, and a streaming function. Users can private message each other and create private groups. We also use Discord for broadcast interviews pre-and post-race
Discord Basics
A beginner’s guide to using Discord is here.
How Do I Join the PCA Sim Racing Discord?
Follow these steps. If you have a problem, send us a message.
1. First, go to the website https://discord.com/
2. Click the link “Download for Windows” not the link “Open Discord in your browser”.
3. Install the app on the computer that you use for sim racing.
4. Create a Discord account using the same name as your iRacing account.
5. To join the PCA Sim Racing Discord server, click this “invite” link: https://discord.gg/2WEzvpvC7x
6. If you get a prompt for “what should we call you”, please make sure to use your name and not a nickname.
7. If you do not get a prompt when joining the server, please change to your PCA / iRacing name by right-clicking on your name then “Change Nickname”.
8. Adjust your settings by clicking on the gear icon in the lower-left of the screen. In the “Voice & Video” section, you can change from “Voice Activity” to “Push to Talk”. By default Discord uses “Voice Activity”. Please change this setting to “Push to Talk”.
9. Please make a post in the “Introduce Yourself” channel and include your PCA Region. We have the server color-coded and tagged by Region. This is to help drivers and admins alike.
Need Help?
If you need help getting connected, send us a message. If you’re already on Discord, post a message in the PCA Sim Racing #contact-sc channel.
Rules & Guidelines
PCA Sim Racing is fun, and fun is good! To keep our community fun and a welcoming place for all PCA Sim Racers to participate, please observe the following rules PCA Sim Racing is now adopting as an official club program and a social media platform for members.
1. You must be an active or affiliate PCA Member to participate in this group.
2. Your Discord screen name must be your PCA name, both first and last name.
3. Discussion is welcomed, but personal attacks, disparaging commentary, and inflammatory posts are not allowed. Any posts that are racist, sexist, or discriminatory in any way will be removed. Users will follow the PCA Code of Ethics and Conduct.
4. Profanity is unprofessional and not welcome here.
5. Leave the last race on the track behind you.
6. If you have a problem with a race steward’s decision, communicate privately with them.
7. Do not post photos or videos of sim or real crashes.
8. Please stay on-topic. Talk about Sim Racing, PCA, Porsche, and cars in general. The PCA Sim Racing Discord server(s) are not the place for politics or conversations about religion, or social issues.
9. Sim racing items for sale posts are permitted in the Virtual Swap Meet channel, but only by participating PCA Sim Racing individuals and never representing a company. Be honest about the quality of your item and be fair in your price. PCA is not responsible for any transactions.
10. Moderators will remove posts in violation of community standards. Posts may be deleted without prior notification.
11. Repeat offenders may be suspended and/or removed from the PCA Sim Racing League servers(s).
12. Follow the same conduct on the PCA Sim Racing Discord server(s) as you do on the track.