
1-4-2025: Starting fuel is changed to 70% to force a pit stop in all classes. The previous 60% was causing some drivers to double-pit.


Series 13 continues the longest-running series in PCA Sim Racing.

Participant Eligibility

Drivers who participate in Series events must meet the following requirements:

Car Info

  • The Porsche 911 GT3R (992) will be used in all classes.
  • Starting fuel is limited to 70% to force a pit stop in all classes.
  • Open setups are used for Club and Pro classes.
  • One fast repair for all classes.
  • All drivers should use their class template file. It is available in the “Custom Paint” section below.

Fixed Setups

Clean Driver Award

  • A winner in each class for the driver that manages to compete with the least number of incident points for 6 of the scheduled 7 races.
  • Only drivers with 6 race entries in S13 are eligible.
  • If a driver disconnects from a race and does not take the checkered flag, that race is not included. Otherwise, a driver could run a lap or two each race and
    accomplish a clean driver result.


  • Drivers are encouraged to stream their race and add a link to their channel in the S13 streaming channel.
  • For our broadcasters, please fill out this info. It is optional, so if you want to answer one or all questions, that’s cool.
  • We need driver cams! Series 11 had several, and Series 12 did not have as many. Don’t be shy—show off your driver cam in S13!
  • If a driver is on the race podium, please go to the Discord broadcast channel, and then to the Interview Waiting Room.

Avoidable Contact Definitions

  • Any car-to-car contact will be evaluated, and if a driver is found to be at fault may be penalized.
  • Racing incidents occur. Not all contact will result in a penalty.
  • Contact penalties are often assessed when causing contact when not adhering to the passing rules but may be assessed for any contact where you are deemed at fault.

Brake Checking

  • Intentionally brake checking is an intentional, malicious action.
  • If you are found to have engaged your brakes intentionally which causes an incident, you will be penalized.

Note: Newer drivers may simply be braking earlier than expected for a following driver but that should not be considered brake checking.

Dive Bombing

  • When a passing car attempts a pass very late, e.g.: late braking to establish position well into the braking zone; failing to establish position before the normal turn-in point; etc.
  • When a car establishes position before the turn-in point it is clear that the passing car will not make the corner, i.e., the car would go off the track or need to significantly slow, or stop the car in order to keep it on the track.

Incident Definition

  • An incident is defined as at least two cars making contact with one of them being turned, spun, or damaged.
  • If only the driver at fault is impacted (spun/damaged/lost positions), Race Control may consider that a “racing incident” and no drive-through penalty will be applied.


  • If you spin and while spinning cause contact with another car you may be penalized.
  • Approaching cars are expected to make reasonable efforts to avoid spinning or stationary cars, even if that means lifting or braking. A driver making contact with a spinning or stationary car may be penalized if Race Control deems that there was adequate time or space to avoid such contact, or if a local caution violation is observed.

Blue Flags

  • It is expected that cars being lapped give way.
  • It is incumbent on the overtaking car to make a clean pass.
  • iRacing shows a blue flag warning when the approaching car is 1.5 seconds behind.
  • Once the gap is less than 1.0 seconds, the car receiving the blue flag must let the other car(s) by within 3 corners.
  • A driver who is being held up by a driver who is being shown blue flags may request a review by RC during the race through iRacing comms.
  • Failure to yield in a timely manner may be penalized by RC.
  • This may require you to lift on a straight or when going into a corner.
  • Be predictable. i.e., don’t slow down quickly and don’t suddenly drive offline.
  • The overtaken car should facilitate a safe pass, including a “verbal point-by” on comms if practical.
  • Blue flag violations only apply to lap traffic and off-pace cars.

Custom Paint

  • We are required to comply with the iRacing Terms of Use and EULA, which include requirements for custom-painted car skins.
  • We will still use Trading Paints, but it is each driver’s responsibility to provide their custom-painted car skin with the requirements defined in the iRacing Terms of Use and EULA.
  • If a custom skin is found to not comply, it will be substituted.
  • Compliance information is included in the iRacing Terms of Use and EULA, and the list of approved iRacing sponsor logos is in the iRacing Paint Shop.
  • In plain English, this means you cannot use any manufacturer, product, company, logos, or graphics in your custom-painted car skin unless they are in the iRacing Paint Shop or you have written approval from the owner to do so.
  • The “test” to determine if an item is permissible: is it uniquely identifiable? If yes, don’t use it.
  • Files for Series 13 livery:

Driver Conduct

  • PCA Sim Racing is dedicated to sportsmanship and camaraderie.
  • It is expected that each member will comply with the PCA Code of Ethics and Conduct, and treat other members in a respectful, fair, and courteous manner.
  • Demeaning, embarrassing, derogatory, bullying, retaliatory, or disrespectful language or actions are prohibited in any PCA Sim Racing session, on the Discord server, or in Discord direct messages.
  • Race Control has the authority, without prior notice or warning, to penalize and/or disqualify and remove a driver from a session if any of the above are observed.
  • The PCA Sim Racing Steering Committee has the authority to suspend or permanently remove a driver from any/all PCA Sim Racing activities, including the Discord server and driver classes/leagues.
  • You will be DQed from the race if you intentionally wreck another car or purposefully attempt to cause mayhem.

Drop Race

  • There is one drop race.
  • A driver’s lowest-scoring race will be dropped from scoring calculations.
  • A race ban does not count as a dropped race.
  • A DQ race due to LPPs does not count as a drop race.

Establishing Position

  • A passing car must first establish position before the cars are considered alongside.
  • To establish position and be considered alongside, the trailing car’s front axle must be ahead of the rear axle of the leading car.
  • A car must establish a position before it can complete a pass.


Racing Room

  • One car width plus the width of a tire from the edge of the track.
  • Note that the interpretation of where the edge of the track is might include curbing, however, there is room for interpretation given some curbing is more “part of the track” than others.
  • Once there is an overlap between two cars it is both car’s responsibility to leave “racing room”. Overlap is where two cars are beside each other such that if either car moves in the direction of the other car they would make contact.
  • If contact occurs fault may be placed on one or more of the drivers.
  • Where drivers are found to share equal or similar blame this would be considered a racing incident and no penalties would be assessed.
  • Where a single driver is judged to have most of the blame this would likely result in a drive-through penalty for that driver.
  • On straights or sections characterized by minimal curves that do not significantly affect the driver’s need to adjust speed or steering, once overlap has been achieved it is the responsibility of both cars to maintain their racing line or choose an alternate line such that contact is avoided.
  • Failure to leave racing room, including forcing another car off the racing surface, is subject to a penalty.


  • This is as it sounds. A car is considered clear when there is 0 overlap between cars.
  • That is, both cars could turn in either direction without causing contact.
  • At this point, there is no overlap and the cars can proceed as usual.

Note: The leading car after clearing another car must give adequate space before pulling back in front of the car that was just cleared. This is mostly relevant at or just before the braking zone. You must give the car that was cleared a reasonable time to react.

Full Course Yellow (FCY)

  • There will be no Full Course Yellow flags in Series 13.

Illegal Blocking

  • Drivers are allowed one defensive move before the braking zone, provided there is no overlap and that sufficient space or time exists for the chasing car to react.
  • Sudden last-second moves that could cause collisions, and leave little or no time for the trailing car to react, are not permitted.
  • Once a defensive move is made, no further moves are allowed until the next corner.
  • Slight adjustments back to the racing line are permitted as long as racing room is left.
  • A defensive move begins when the leading car starts moving toward one side of the track to fend off a pass and ends when the car stops moving in that direction.
  • If the driver moves in one direction, continues straight, and then starts moving again in either direction without leaving racing room, it counts as two moves and will be deemed illegal blocking.
  • A defensive move must be completed before the braking zone. Moving to defend while in the braking zone is not permitted.
  • Illegal blocking is subject to a penalty.

Incident Race Review

  • Read the information carefully on the Incident Race Review form.
  • The process will have no exceptions as defined in the IRR form.
  • The following timeline will be used before posting the race official results
    1. A link to each race replay will be posted on this page within 3 hours of the race.
    2. Race Control will post race penalties within 3 hours of the race.
    3. IRRs should be submitted no sooner than 24 hours after the race and no later than 48 hours after the race.
    4. The IRR Team has up to 7 calendar days to respond.
    5. Once all IRRs have been returned from the IRR Team, the Timing & Scoring group will process the results within 48 hours.

Orange Zone

  • All penalties during the pace lap and within the first 1 minute of the start of the race will be a 20-second stop-and-hold penalty.
  • Expect that any fault in causing a collision will be penalized, i.e., less leniency will be given.

Pace Lap

  • A short pace lap will be used if iRacing permits it on the event track.
  • Weaving around, hard braking, hard accelerating, and lagging back to get a “run” on the field is forbidden on the pace lap.
  • Drivers who are observed doing any of these will be given one verbal warning by Race Control.
  • If it continues, a 20-second stop-and-hold penalty may be assigned by Race Control after the start of the race.
  • Making contact with another competitor on the pace lap is subject to a 20-second stop-and-hold penalty assigned by Race Control after the start of the race.

Some reminders:

  • On the formation lap and up until the green, please leave room for your next-door neighbor (half a car width will suffice).
  • Pole position should be ahead at the green light (but not necessarily before the start/finish line).
  • Pole should maintain pace car speed up til green.
  • Stay in your line until you pass the start/finish line, but also before we go green do not leave more than a cars length in front of you (bunch up), creating a bigger gap isn’t fair to those behind you.


iRacing AI Penalties

  • When reaching 25x incident points, the driver will be disqualified automatically.

Race Control or IRR Team

When determining fault for contact, or if any penalty is warranted, the following will be considered:

  • Did any other car(s) suffer more than just cosmetic damage?
  • Did the other car(s) lose 1 or more positions?
  • Did the other car(s) lose significant time as a result?

Race Control may also penalize drivers for the following:

  • Illegally blocking is subject to a penalty.
  • Use of abusive, derogatory, or profane language.

By default, all penalties are drive-through penalties except the following which will be a 20-second stop-and-hold penalty for each infraction.

  • Orange zone violations.
  • Rejoining unsafely and causing a wreck.
  • Spinning while not holding the brakes resulting in a wreck.

Netcode will be considered, but this does not mean that contact involving netcode will be forgiven.

Penalty License & LPPs

  • Each series driver is provided with a penalty license with zero LPP points at the beginning of a Series.
  • All LPP points are cumulative throughout the Series.
  • Drivers who accrue 8 LPP points (Pro, Club, Sport) or 10 LPP points (Challenge) on their penalty license will receive a 1-race ban, and their penalty license reset to 5 LPP points.
  • For example, if you get 8 LPP points on your license by Event 5, you will miss Event 6 and then resume at Event 7 with 5 LPP points on your penalty license.
Incident Description LPP Points
Driving causing an incident after the first lap. 2
Driving causing an incident before the start of lap 2. 3
A violation of the PCA Code of Ethics & Conduct, the iRacing Official Sporting Code, or the Series 13 rules. 4

Potential Technical Issues

  • Do not connect to a PCA Sim Racing event via a wireless connection. Use only Ethernet-cabled connections to join PCA Sim Racing events.
  • Drivers with a poor internet connection may be removed from the race after the following steps:
    1. Any driver who has a bad connection will be alerted with a warning by Race Control.
    2. A second warning will be sent to the driver by Race Control after 3 minutes.
    3. If the connection doesn’t stabilize after 5 minutes, Race Control will ask the driver to park their car in the pits to try and resolve the problem.
  • Connection issues can many times be resolved by rebooting the computer, or router, or reducing the home Internet connection load.
  • If there is an additional problem and the driver’s connection remains unstable, they will, unfortunately, need to leave the server for the race so it does not affect the race quality for other competitors.
  • Drivers are welcome to rejoin the race after resolving their internet problems.

Race Communications

  • Race Control will communicate with drivers only through the iRacing voice chat function during the event.
  • If a driver is on the race podium, please go to the Discord broadcast channel, and then to the Interview Waiting Room.

Race Control

  • DJ Lyon and Michael Hall will be responsible for all activities regarding Race Control (RC).
  • The Steering Committee and league admins are not involved in RC decisions and should not be approached on decisions made by RC.
  • DJ or Michael will post the race penalties and descriptions on the PCA Sim Racing Discord S13 “penalties” channel.
  • Participants should not post their interpretation of Race Control rulings.
  • If you need clarification of a Race Control penalty, write your question in the appropriate Ask Race Control channel on Discord and await a response. Do not discuss penalties in race session comms. Use IRRs if appropriate.

Race Starts

  • All series starts will be rolling.
  • Drivers may not start from the pits unless they request and get acceptance from Race Control. Starting in the pits is limited to emergency situations such as a disconnect just before the race.
  • Drivers should maintain pace car speed until the green.
  • Races start when iRacing shows the green flag/green lights.
  • The start/finish line, for race starts, is the point where iRacing’s “Barney the Flag Man” is located.
  • Drivers must stay in their lane until after the car’s front axle crosses start/finish.
  • A lane will consist of the width of the car in front of you. If you look above the car, straight down, draw two lines back. Inside those lines is the “lane”.
  • A driver must have at least 2 wheels (right or left) in that lane at all times until you cross the start-finish line.
  • You are allowed to “peek” or otherwise move left or right, as long as 2 wheels remain in the lane.
  • IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to maintain such a lane even if the drivers in front are slow, you must not only pay attention to the driver in front of you but the drivers in front of them.
  • Failure to stay in your lane before S/F may be subject to a penalty.
  • Passing because a driver was slowing or for any reason along those lines is not acceptable.
  • Changing lanes may be advisable and permitted to take evasive actions to avoid a collision. Examples include:
    1. A driver is having technical difficulties and needs to pull off to the side to stay out of the way.
    2. To avoid a car in front of you that is stopped or brakes suddenly.
    3. To avoid another incident.


  • Do not re-enter the track surface until it is clear.
  • It is the responsibility of the re-entering car to enter safely and to yield to oncoming traffic.
  • You may be penalized for any actions that cause a collision or force other cars off the track while re-entering.
  • This does not give the cars on the track free rein to force or keep the re-entering car off the track or not leave reasonable room for those re-entering.
  • If a driver takes all precautions to safely re-enter the track, an approaching driver may be penalized for an incident if Race Control deems that there was adequate time or space to avoid such contact.


Practice Starts: 8:15 PM Eastern / 5:15 PM Pacific
Qualifying Starts: 9:00 PM Eastern / 6:00 PM Pacific
Warmup Starts: 9:10 PM Eastern / 6:10 PM Pacific
Race starts:  9:15 PM Eastern / 6:15 PM Pacific
Post-race Interviews: 10 minutes

Event 1 – Daytona RC
Pro Wed January 8
Club Thu January 9
Sport Wed January 15
Challenge Thu January 16
Entry Sunday January 19
Weather: dry track
iRacing Event times:
Event 1 practice starts at 5:00 PM
Event 1 qualifying starts at 5:45 PM
Event 1 races start at 6 PM

Event 2 – Algarve GP (Portimao)
Pro Wed January 22
Club Thu January 23
Sport Wed January 29
Challenge Thu January 30
Entry Sunday February 2
Weather: dry track
iRacing Event times:
Event 2 practice starts at 8:00 AM
Event 2 qualifying starts at 8:45 AM
Event 2 races start at 9 AM

Event 3 – Canadian Tire Motorsport Park
Pro Wed February 5
Club Thu February 6
Sport Wed February 12
Challenge Thu February 13
Entry Sunday February 16
Weather: dry track
iRacing Event times:
Event 3 practice starts at 8:00 AM
Event 3 qualifying starts at 8:45 AM
Event 3 races start at 9 AM

Event 4 – Silverstone GP
Pro Wed February 19
Club Thu February 20
Sport Wed February 26
Challenge Thu February 27
Entry Sunday March 2
Weather: wet track
iRacing Event times:
Event 4 practice starts at 8:00 AM
Event 4 qualifying starts at 8:45 AM
Event 4 races start at 9 AM

Event 5 – Road America Full Course
Pro Wed March 5
Club Thu March 6
Sport Wed March 12
Challenge Thu March 13
Entry Sunday March 16
Weather: dry track
iRacing Event times:
Event 5 practice starts at 12:00 PM
Event 5 qualifying starts at 12:45 PM
Event 5 races start at 1 PM

Event 6 – Hungaroring
Pro Wed March 19
Club Thu March 20
Sport Wed March 26
Challenge Thu March 27
Entry Sunday March 30
Weather: dry track
iRacing Event times:
Event 6 practice starts at 8:00 AM
Event 6 qualifying starts at 8:45 AM
Event 6 races start at 9 AM

Event 7 – Imola GP
Pro Wed April 2
Club Thu April 3
Sport Wed April 9
Challenge Thu April 10
Entry Sunday April 13
Weather: wet track
iRacing Event times:
Event 7 practice starts at 8:00 AM
Event 7 qualifying starts at 8:45 AM
Event 7 races start at 9 AM